Harvest Boxes
Looking to set up a subscription? Please join us on our new online market!
This store will remain live for a few weeks while we're in transition, but subscriptions, along with a wider variety of options, are only available on our new site. Thanks for your understanding and patience!
Click HERE to see the contents of this week's Harvest Boxes
Our order deadline for is at 11:59pm Sunday for fulfillment the Wednesday/Thursday 3-4 days later. Any orders placed after the deadline will be available for pick up/delivery the following week.
Wednesday Pickup: AC Warehouse (20780 NE High Desert Ln, Bend), 1:30pm-6:30pm
Thursday Pickup: Old Iron Works (50 Scott St, Bend), 2:30pm - 6pm
Thursday Pickup: Austin Mercantile (Brookswood Plaza), 4pm - 6pm
Home Delivery: Thursday, 7am - 2pm (within Bend city limits only)
reach out to set up free delivery for your org or group!
Our farm partners harvest and deliver produce box items on-demand for the harvest boxes. Due to unforeseen complications with availability, typically weather-related or lower-than-anticipated supply, we must sometimes make last-minute changes to box contents. Thank you for understanding these nuances of working with small farms! We and the farmers appreciate your patience and understanding!